JBLGEO Technologies is your ideal outsourcing organization in every way. Our staff is highly professional and quality-driven. We hire the best and the brightest in our industry- this reflects in our clients’ glowing testimonials. We have earned a reputation for undertaking mission-critical assignments and delivering on time and to uniform satisfaction.
JBLGEO Technologies focuses on end-to-end offerings in software services. JBLGEO Technologies pioneering efforts enable it to specially weave its solutions into customer environments. The company provides services that consistently meet or exceed customer’s expectations.
These services are provided to various local, state, and federal government agencies; large companies and the private sector.

- JBLGEO’s Digital Map & Data – ‘Developed Wholly In-house’
- Navigation Maps
- R/F Maps
- All India Maps covering over 6,20,000 villages and their connecting Transportation network
- Internet GIS Engine
- Map-based WAP Application for Mobile
- Mobile based Asset Mapping and Work force tracking management.
- GIS based Land Management.
- E – Solid Waste Management Systems
- GIS Based Property Tax Management Systems
- Security & Surveillance
- DGPS Survey carried out by expert professionals to collect the GCP required to georeference the Satellite Imager Scenes so obtained.
- DGPS Points to be collected through BASE and ROVER Method.

- Mapping of All Base layers to be carried out in TAB files (.tab) / .shp taking Satellite Imagery as the reference.
- Layer to be digitized are:
- Buildings
- Road centerline.
- Major water bodies.
- Other Important features
- Any mismatch between building maps and real ground data will be properly indicated in the Hard copy maps to be implemented again at the Integration table.

Trust and Worth